Calls out for better day-care services.

Sosialdemokratene (The Social Democrats) want to bring back the arrangement with two examiners on examinations. And more day-care places.


Student politics at UiO:

  • The Student Parliament is the students’ supreme political authority at UiO. The Parliament promotes the political interest of the students towards the university.
  • This year’s Student Parliament election is due to take place on 23 April and will end on 26 April.
  • You can vote on Grøn Liste, Blå Liste, Sosialdemokratene, Moderat Gruppe, Venstrealliansen and Fakultetslistene .

Sosialdemokratene is promoting the following issues:

  • Less compulsory teaching.
  • That examinations should be held in other places than the reading halls.
  • To focus on equal opportunities and radical gender quotas.

– There is a great deal of insecurity when it comes to the marking system and the examination arrangements. We want to make sure that these things are seen as safe and just to all students. One way to achieve this is to reintroduce the system of two examiners for examinations, says President of the Sosialdemokratene (SD), Torkel Nybakk Kvaal.

The fraction strongly believes that the University of Oslo should introduce external examiners in small courses, and that all students should have three attempts on every examination.

– The counter-argument is that more examiners will demand too many resources, but with the level of complaints being what it is today, we believe that the university in fact can make money on this. It will also strengthening the legal protection of students.

– How do you propose to make this happen?

– This is something we are working on already. The idea of two examiners was something Rector Geir Ellingsrud used in his election campaign and so there ought to be a possibility to get this though, Kvaal says.

Another one of SD’s priorities is the day-care services for students with children.

– Free day-care is an important service that student sport centres should offer students with children so that they too can take part in the various sport activities, says Stine Winger Minde, Vice-President of SD.

The fraction claims that a 75 per cent coverage for day-care places is not enough. Sosialdemokratene’s goal is 100 per cent.

– There is no reason to believe that there will be less students with children in the future, Minde adds.

A lot of cases related to child day-care services have already received a lot of support at the student welfare body The Velferdsting. In addition to lobbyism at the Storting, SD wants to use their representatives in the Foundation for Student Life in Oslo to push through their goals.

– At the moment, we are the largest fraction at the Student Parliament, and we plan to keep it that way. Sosialdemokratene stand for election at six out of eight faculties this year, and the students know what we stand for. Having an ideology is not a hindrance, but a strength, Minde stresses.

Politically they characterises themselves as a little to the left of the centre, but emphasise that they cooperate with parties notwithstanding whether they are to their left or right, depending on the issues.

– We are here to get things done. Politics is about making compromises, Kvaal concludes.

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