A conservative party with a twist

Blå Liste is an alternative to Moderat Gruppe, but place themselves closer to Høyre in the political landscape. Now they want to give voice to law students at the Student Parliament.


Student politics at UiO:

  • The Student Parliament is the students’ supreme political authority at UiO. The Parliament promotes the political interest of the students towards the university.
  • This year’s Student Parliament election is due to take place on 23 April and will end on 26 April.
  • You can vote on Grøn Liste, Blå Liste, Sosialdemokratene, Moderat Gruppe, Venstrealliansen and Fakultetslistene.

Blå Liste is promoting the following issues:

  • To video broadcasts lectures on-line.
  • To improve the student cafeterias at Domus Nova and Domus Media.
  • To keep the reading halls open around-the-clock.
  • To improve the exchange programme.

– Blå Liste is a fraction made up of students from the Faculty of Law, whose goal is to better the everyday life of law students in Oslo, says President of Blå Liste (BL), Dag Josef Foss Alsvik, and adds that in contrast to Moderat Gruppe, BL is formally associated with Høyre, the Conservative Party of Norway.

– The conservative values are the platform on which we base our party programme. We want to focus on diversity, and will do our best to ease the student’s everyday life. These are some of our most important issues, says Alsvik.

The four principal concerns that, according to Alsvik, can contribute to making this happen, is to video broadcast lectures on-line, improve the student cafeterias at Domus Nova and Domus Media, keep the reading halls open around-the-clock, and to better the exchange programme.

– A lot of the equipment for video broadcasting have already been installed in the lecture rooms. The only thing missing is camera equipment and a way to distribute the broadcasts. We need to find a way to solve this in a practical manner, but so far we have not had the chance to discuss this with the Faculty Board.

In order to keep the reading rooms open around-the-clock, Alsvik says that all that is needed is an access system, since most of the rooms are installed with card readers already.

When it comes to student exchange, the programme advisors must shape up. It is vital that students who wish to go abroad receive the help they need to make that happen. At the moment, the information just isn’t good enough, Alsvik claims.

– Flexibility will make it possible for each student to make the most out of his or her studies. That is why video broadcasting is one of our top priorities, as it will ease the everyday life for a lot of students who otherwise would miss out on lecture due to work, absence or illness.

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